Die breite Zeichnung einer Landschaft mit Menschen und Bäumen im Vordergrund.

A broader perspective – Dresden cityscapes in the early modern age

This exhibition centres on a panoramic drawing of the Elbe Valley at Dresden from the year 1645:  this recent acquisition by the Kupferstich-Kabinett bears witness in a remarkable manner to the discovery of the wide-angle prospect in the first half of the seventeenth century.

  • DATES 30/06/2018—24/09/2018

[Translate to English:] Bild

Die breite Zeichnung einer Landschaft mit Menschen und Bäumen im Vordergrund.

[Translate to English:] Text

This large-format drawing, whose foreground shows land surveyors at work, served as the template for a copperplate by Caspar Merian for his major multi-volume work Topographia Germaniae. With more than 2,000 views of cities, monasteries and castles from the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, it is still to this day considered one of the most important works of geographical illustration. The exhibition on early landscapes and land surveying is rounded off by further city views from city books, which rose to great popularity from the second half of the sixteenth century into the seventeenth century, alongside depictions of the furnishings of the Riesensaal (Hall of Giant).

[Translate to English:] weitere

Further Exhibitions

Grünes Gewölbe

in Residenzschloss

On the Way to Electoral Power

in Residenzschloss

aufwendig mit Edelsteinen verzierte Kopfbedeckung, darauf Engel und Heilige


in Residenzschloss

Münzen, Medaillen und Orden

The new Hall of the Giants

in Residenzschloss

Aufwendig verzierter Harnisch, große Federn am Helm angebracht
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