Raum mit Webstuhl, vorne Tote und eine trauernde Person, zur Tür wird jemand lebloses hineingetragen
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Käthe Kollwitz in Dresden

To commemorate the birth of Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) 150 years ago, the Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden is presenting an exhibition of her graphic masterworks. The museum now holds 252 prints, four portfolio editions and 21 drawings: one of the most important public collections of the artist’s work

  • DATES 19/10/2017—14/01/2018

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The works of Käthe Kollwitz, who died in 1945 in Moritzburg near Dresden, represent perfect examples of the experimentation with new forms of expression taking place around 1900. In view of their quality and special correlation of artistic and content-related themes, they stand out uniquely from this movement.

Zwei Kinder an einem Tisch
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Käthe Kollwitz, Unter der Tischlampe, 1894 Feder in Schwarz, Pinsel in Grau, weiße Kreide, über Bleistift, auf Velinpapier (Whatman Paper), 247 x 330 mm (Blatt), Kupferstich-Kabinett

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Under the directorship of Max Lehrs (1855-1938), the Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden was the first public museum to promote the work of the artist, thanks to a systematic purchasing policy. The artistic oeuvre of a woman with a decidedly social-critical attitude was a special feature in Wilhelminian Germany. Thus Max Lehrs contributed significantly to establishing Käthe Kollwitz as an artist.
As well as purchasing artistic works, the lively exchange of letters bears witness to the enormous esteem in which Kollwitz was held in Dresden owing to Lehrs’ actions.

A publication containing the exchange of letters between Käthe Kollwitz and the Kupferstich-Kabinett is being published for the first time, to coincide with the exhibition.

Selbstportrait von Käthe Kollwitz
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Käthe Kollwitz, Selbstbildnis nach halbrechts, um 1890 Feder und Pinsel in Schwarz, auf Zeichenpapier, 233 x 166 mm (Blatt), Kupferstich-Kabinett

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