Großmogul Aurengzeb hält eine Audienz

Stories in Miniatures. The Collection of Indian Paintings in the Dresden Kupferstich-Kabinett

An exhibition of the interdisciplinary research program "Europe / World" in the context of the exhibition project Dresden • Europe • World. Two presently entirely unknown and unpublished inventory groups form the main object of investigation for this research project at the Kupferstich-Kabinett.

  • DATES 03/03/2017—05/06/2017


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The collection inventory of 1738 lists under the heading “La Chine” six volumes of Indian miniature paintings, mostly depictions of rulers. Later on these and additionally some other works were collectively referred to as “Indica”. This extraordinary collection witnesses the early reception of Indian art at Dresden’s royal court and also contributes to the present discourse about 18th century Deccan art.

A second group of 78 single folios displays a variety of subjects of Indian paintings such as portraits, ascetics and raginis. This convolute was given to the Kupferstich-Kabinett as a donation from the estate of August Wilhelm Schlegel in 1848. However, many of the paintings were in problematic condition and urgently required restoration. The exploration and restoration of both holdings are being realized in cooperation with specialists from India.

Aurangzeb hält darbar (Audienz), Dekkan-Mogul, spätes 17./ frühes 18. Jahrhundert Wasserfarben und Gold, 372 x 257 mm (Blatt), Kupferstich-Kabinett

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Exhibition Catalogue

A catalog has been published in Sandstein Verlag

Mann mit Turban und verziertem, tailliertem, kleidartigem Gewand, Seitenansicht
© SKD, Foto: Andreas Diesend

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Official Sponsor Sparkassen Finanzgruppe

Supported by the Museum and Research Foundation

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