Italian Drawings of the Sixteenth Century
The Dresden Paper Project
Italienische Zeichnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts: THE DRESDEN PAPER PROJEKT
Starting in 2017, the 16th-century Italian drawings of the Kupferstich-Kabinett have been studied and researched. There are well-known works, by Raphael and Correggio for example, among its holdings of more than 700 individual sheets. However, scholarly assessment is still pending for a large number of the drawings.
The goal of the project is to use art historical and material research to make the works accessible not only to a professional, but also to a wider audience – whether through digital means, exhibitions, or presentations in the Study Room. The final result will be a comprehensive collection catalogue in English, which will bring together the results and make them available for future research.
The scientific work of the project draws upon an international network of experts, who are closely involved in the evaluation of the holdings. Scholarly exchange, especially between experienced drawings researchers and younger scholars, has been supported through workshops and other activities.
Between February 2018 and March 2024, the project was generously funded by the Getty Foundation as part of their initiative “The Paper Project: Prints and Drawings Curatorship in the 21st Century.” We are also grateful for important contributions from the Wolfgang Ratjen Stiftung.
The current phase of producing the catalogue, which is planned as a freely accessible online publication in PDF format, is being significantly supported by the Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung and the Wolfgang Ratjen Stiftung. The texts should be completed by the end of 2024, with publication scheduled for 2025.