Olaf Holzapfel, "Unbestechliche Archive" - Blatt 6 (gelbe Fliesen, nach links und rechts verzweigend)
© Olaf Holzapfel, courtesy Galerie Gebr. Lehmann, Dresden Foto: Estel/Klut

Crossing Borders

Collecting for the Future

Artists cross borders. As willfull and critical trend setters, they help us understand contradictory subjects. They call our attention to borders and rip them down. The concept of ”freedom” will be at the center of the exhibition, as both a precondition of artistic action and its result. Constraint generates static identities; a multiplicity of perspectives and meanings are only conceivable in freedom.

  • DATES 14/11/2020—31/05/2021

[Translate to English:] text und bild

Globalization and digitalization increase the flow of people, goods, and data, by which freedoms become at the same time possible and vulnerable. With works by Marina Abramović, Joseph Beuys, A. R. Penck and Nancy Spero, the exhibition will start with artists whose activities were guided by the demand for freedom. They represent a transition in art; art, life, and perception became connected to a new view of art that is still influential today.

Partners and Sponsors

[Translate to English:] Sparkasse

[Translate to English:] weitere

Further Exhibitions


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Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart
02/10/2020 —01/11/2020

Andreas Rost. Reunification

in Residenzschloss

02/10/2020 —01/11/2020


in Residenzschloss

12/06/2020 —14/09/2020
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