Meeresgötter im Kampf miteinander
© SKD, Foto: Herbert Boswank

Dawn of a New Age. Early Engravings from Italy and the Netherlands

Since its emergence, printmaking has developed and preserved creative ideas and content of both a religious and a secular nature, making the art a driving force behind international cultural dialogue. It is this medium that spread the stylistic vocabulary and the thoughts of the Renaissance and yielded a diverse crop of artistic inventions.

  • DATES 11/10/2013—19/01/2014


The Dresden Kupferstich-Kabinett (Collection of Prints, Drawings and Photographs) possesses an unusual wealth of works from the beginning of print graphics until 1520/30. Among them are many rare or even unique sheets. Particularly famous is the collection of early German engravings which were researched and published by the expert and researcher Max Lehrs in his multi-volume catalogue “Geschichte und kritischer Katalog des deutschen, niederländischen und französischen Kupferstichs im 15. Jahrhundert” (1908–1934). For the first time two collection catalogues shed light on early Italian engravings as well as on early Dutch engravings and woodcuts, which for the most part were subsumed by Lehrs under the German works.

Ein vor dem Wind nach rechts treibendes Schiff
© SKD, Foto: Hans-Peter Klut
Meister W A: Karacke auf hoher See (Ein vor dem Wind nach rechts treibendes Schiff), um 1470/80 Kupferstich


Due to the publication of the catalogues and with the help of selected examples of both holdings, the exhibition will follow up on the mutual relations between Italy and the Netherlands. Next to parallels and influences, a focus will be laid on the individualism of artists' personalities from north and south, who came up with very individual visual themes and interpretations in the transitional period between the centuries.

Meeresgötter im Kampf miteinander
© SKD, Foto: Herbert Boswank
Andrea Mantegna: Kampf der Meeresgötter (linke Hälfte), Mitte 1470er Jahre(?) Kupferstich


Die Publikation zur Sammlung

Ars Nova Frühe Kupferstiche aus Italien

Katalog der italienischen Kupferstiche von den Anfängen bis um 1530 in der Sammlung des Dresdener Kupferstich-Kabinetts (29,95 €, ISBN: 978-3-86568-914-6)

Die Publikation zur Sammlung

Mit den Gezeiten

Frühe Druckgraphik der Niederlande: Katalog der niederländischen Druckgraphik von den Anfängen bis um 1540/50 in der Sammlung des Dresdener Kupferstich-Kabinetts (29,95 €, ISBN: 978-3-86568-913-9)

weitere Ausstellungen

Further Exhibitions


in Residenzschloss

Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart
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eine alte Buchdruck-Werkstatt
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Kupferstich des Gesichts eines Narrens
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