Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie einer Gruppe, die mit den Rücken zum Betrachter steht, nur eine Frau blickt über die Schulter.
© Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Andreas Diesend

Christian Borchert. The Tectonics of Remembrance

Christian Borchert (1942-2000) was one of the most significant photographers in the GDR and reunified Germany. Born in Dresden and primarily active in that city and Berlin, he developed a pictorial language that was analytical and cautious, yet intense.

  • DATES 26/10/2019—08/03/2020


[Translate to English:] Seine serielle Arbeits- und Erzählform,

His use of seriality and narrative, his unique archiving practice, and his quasi-archeological treatment of visual media like film and television all make him one of the important figures in 20th-century German photo history.

The Kupferstich-Kabinett is mounting the first comprehensive retrospective of Christian Borchert’s oeuvre, presenting him as not only as an attentive chronicler of everyday life in the GDR and the reunification period, but also as an artist who conceived of his work in conceptual terms and in the context of media history. In addition to important projects such as his Artist- and Family Portraits, the documentation of the rebuilding of the Semperoper, and Pictures From Documentary Films, the exhibition will present lesser known works and objects from Borchert’s estate, which visualize his devotion to his archive and provide insight into his working process.

Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie eines sitzenden Mannes vor einer Wand mit Che Guevara-Poster.
© Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Andreas Diesend
Christian Borchert, Volker Braun, 1976 Silbergelatinepapier, 290 x 195 mm

[Translate to English:] Impressionen


Currently no dates

Partners and Sponsors

[Translate to English:] Volkswagen

[Translate to English:] weitere

Further Exhibitions
07/07/2019 —26/01/2020

Christian Borchert in Wuischke

in Außenmauer des Haus am Czorneboh, Wuischke bei Bautzen

Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie von drei Kindern auf einer Schaukel


in Residenzschloss

Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart
26/10/2019 —08/03/2020
Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie eines Regals mit Boxen und Mappen.
26/10/2019 —26/01/2020
Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie eines offenen Raumes, in dessen Mitte eine Skulptur steht.
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