Ein frankierter Briefumschlag und eine beschriftete Karte.
© SKD, Foto: Andreas Diesend

“Dear Professor …” Artist letters from the estate of Josef Hegenbarth

The Josef-Hegenbarth-Archive keeps a very special treasure with the artist’s estate at the place of its creation. Not only are drawings, prints and paintings by Josef Hegenbarth conserved here, but also do more than 15 linear meters of written and photographic material provide information on a rich and manifold artist life.

  • DATES 01/05/2016—31/03/2016


A special collection is the private letters he shared with artist friends, colleagues and companions. They are impressive documents of changing times and give proof of a nearly extinct everyday art: the handwritten creation and decoration of letters and postcards. For the first time, a selection of very interesting objects regarding content and art from the countless autographs and typescripts is presented to the public in an exhibition.

Ein frankierter Briefumschlag und eine beschriftete Karte.
© SKD, Foto: Andreas Diesend
Briefumschlag und Kartengrüße von Max Schwimmer an Josef Hegenbarth, 1952/1954


Next to letters and card greetings from friends, such as Max Schwimmer, Theodor Rosenhauer, Otto Dix und Herbert Volwahsen, the exhibition’s focus is on the rather hardly known, but very personal exchange between Josef Hegenbarth and the draughtswomen Franziska Bilek and Hanna Nagel. Their correspondence not only included humorous punch lines, but also profoundly melancholic life confessions.

Die farbige Zeichnung einer Person an einem Schreibtisch, die einen riesigen Brief schreibt.
© SKD, Foto: Daniela Günther
Illustrierter Brief von Franziska Bilek an Josef Hegenbarth, 13. Oktober 1949

weitere Ausstellungen

Further Exhibitions

Josef-Hegenbarth Archiv

in Josef-Hegenbarth-Archive

19/10/2017 —14/01/2018

Käthe Kollwitz in Dresden

in Residenzschloss

Selbstportrait von Käthe Kollwitz


in Residenzschloss

Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart
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